Wednesday, June 8, 2011


5 hrs to spend shooting on the same location! I felt like they cheated my time and let me work desperately on one mountain, one lake, one monastery, and few Tibetan houses. What would I do with these 5 hrs? The question stuck in my mind while I was wandering the location and shot very carefully and slowly.
I became to understand later that the Chinese were waiting for the light so, the tour guide had set the time limit at 5 hrs. But this was not like spending your Saturday watching GLEE-a-thon. It requests patience, patience, and more patience which Chinese are famous for.
P'Thai had finished shooting since the first two hrs. And spent the rest of the time talking and tried to find something to eat to kill the time.

Let see what I got from this longest photography section!

Captured by KanJANA
Location: Xinduqiao, Grand Shangri-la

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